XL Color Cube Template 10-Pack
FLSHCB10- 10 XL Color Cube templates for easy-to-set-up centers and activities in any classroom on 11"x17" folded sturdy matte-finish cardstock
- Each cube face is 4.6 inches x 4.6 inches and is color-coded to matching tabs for easy assembly of cube parts (final cube is about the size of a standard tissue box -- allow 3.5 minutes for cutting and 3 minutes for folding and taping)
- Color Cubes are ideal for exploring a single concept, term, leader, date, equation, era, event, etc., in depth and giving each student the chance to make new discoveries and connections
- Once students create their cubes, they can share their selections in small groups; for some cubes, such as processes or cycles, students can play a game of rolling the cube and, after it lands on one step of the process, correctly identifying the next step or the prior step to earn a point
- Use to replenish the DynaNotes U.S. History EOC Review & Intervention Programs
A million uses in the classroom!
View ideas for how to use the six faces ... then try out new approaches with your students!