Grade 6 Math Eligible TEKS Program
06MESRIP- 100% of the Grade 6 Math Eligible TEKS chunked into 23 lessons, each with whole group warm-ups, explicit instruction resource, student scaffolding, and a striking variety of engaging student activities
- Whole group warm-ups engage students in the content by asking questions, illustrating the big picture, exploring a relevant problem, and/or even reminding students what information is, and is not, in the TEA reference chart
- DynaNotes student course notes explanations and examples serve as a visual aid for whole group explicit instruction AND as a printed, colorful student-friendly reference to support students as they work on the activities when the teacher can't be at their sides
- 106 student activities include folded paper projects, word problems, experiments, partner work, puzzles, error analysis, and more (78% of activities) as well as STAAR-like "Skill Checkers" (22% of activities)
- Activities for each lesson are consistently arranged to, in order, build knowledge, develop skills, extend knowledge and skills, and then check for understanding.
- Detailed answer keys can be printed and provided as feedback to students to support error analysis for wrong answers, the exploration of alternate strategies for correct answers, self-checking, and peer tutoring.
- 1 Teacher CD (or thumb drive) with student course notes display, lesson views (materials list, warm-up questions, assigned activities, TEKS, etc.), TEKS alignment, and student activity book answer key
- 30 DynaNotes Grade 6 Math student course notes in classic cardstock format (student reference for use during explicit instruction and as a reference during activity completion)
- 1 DynaNotes activity book with 106 unique activities -- reproducible by the teacher for use in his/her classroom only
- Reviewed on LearningList.com
Serious program for seriously fun and effective acceleration to TEKS mastery!
View the table of contents for the activity book.
View four sample answer key pages (out of 106) for the student activity book.