Legacy Modern U.S. History Eligible TEKS Program: 10-Student
legacy-USHSERIP-10- Not Streamlined
- Comprehensive 30-lesson program includes whole group, cooperative group, and independent activity blocks aligned to the EOC supporting and readiness standards -- valued at $462
- 1 DynaNotes ER&IP 30-lesson pacing chart with program materials checklist and card game instructions
- 1 DynaNotes ER&IP teacher CD with student course notes display, computer games, and student activity book answer key
- 10 DynaNotes U.S. History student course notes in classic cardstock format (student reference for program)
- 10 DynaNotes ER&IP student activity books with 51 unique activities, pre-test, and post-test (90 perforated inside pages for easy tear-out)
- 16 DynaNotes AmeriMatch card decks (2 of each: Growth & The Gilded Age; Progressive Era & Rise of World Power; Boom to Bust & FDR's New Deal; World War II; Cold War & The Affluent Society; Civil Rights, The Sixties, & Vietnam; Nixon to Reagan; Post Cold War to Present)
- 10 XL Flash Cube templates for use with select activities
- Reviewed on LearningList.com
- Note: Activity books and XL Flash Cube templates are the only consumables in the program; to replenish flash cube templates, purchase XL flash cube template 10-packs
"This activity book provides a variety of engaging activities for students to complete. Critical thinking is required. The use of primary sources also provides students with the opportunity to use their decoding strategies in order to arrive at the best answer." -- G. Cash, AP U.S. History Teacher, Clear Creek ISD
Serious program for seriously engaging and effective EOC review and intervention!
View the pacing chart's first seven lessons.
View four sample answer key pages (out of 90) for the student activity book.