Grade 8 Math Student Activity Book

Grade 8 Math Student Activity Book

  • $9.50
    Unit price per 

  • Additional, non-reproducible student activity book for use with the Grade 8 Math Eligible TEKS Review & Intervention Program (not available without program purchase -- does not include the answer key, which is on the program's red CD)
  • 95 student activities include folded paper projects, word problems, experiments, partner work, graphing calculator practice, reverse bingo games, and more (80% of activities) as well as STAAR-like "Skill Checkers" (20% of activities), and TEA chart is included
  • Activities for each lesson are consistently arranged to, in order, build knowledge, develop skills, extend knowledge and skills, and then check for understanding
  • Not available without past or current purchase of a DynaNotes Grade 8 Math Eligible TEKS Review & Intervention Program (08MESRIP)
  • Eliminate copy machine time and costs with this low-cost alternative

Maximize your program use for year-long learning, tutorials, or summer school!

View the math program flyer.

View the table of contents for the activity book.

View four sample answer key pages (out of 95) for the student activity book.